We welcome your questions and comments! BzeLiving@gmail.com


More About Us.

I hope this blog entertains, informs, and saves you from some of our mistakes. We’ve learned a lot! But mostly, I hope it inspires you to get outside of your routine, value experiences, seek meaning, and have fun.


 My husband and I worked hard, had lucrative careers, but decided we weren’t getting any younger or healthier sitting in an office, working 80-hour weeks. Most people thought we should start a family, go to ball games, and move to the suburbs. Or at least purchase a TV. But we wanted a more adventurous life, so we moved to a small fishing village in Hopkins Belize.

There, we ended up purchasing an inn to get a puppy dog, building a specialized commercial building to make cheese, and doing fun things like lobster hunting, hiking, swimming, and not wearing shoes.

After seven full years in Belize, we were ready for autumn and spring weather. My husband kept the little house he purchased in his 20’s all these years and we call Columbus, MS home too. While returning March of 2020 for some weddings, Belize closed its borders.

Meanwhile, we met a group concerned about the direction of Will’s hometown, and got involved in the A Better Columbus movement. We flew back the day the new administration was being sworn in and fell back into beach life without any problems.