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What Things Cost in Belize

What Things Cost in Belize

“What do things cost in Belize? The answer is “it depends.” There are many factors to consider including where you live and lifestyle. Living on an island costs more than the mainland because everything must be brought in via boat or air, adding to the price of goods. Jungle lots are cheaper than beach lots. Lifestyle is a factor. Do you want to live as you do now, meaning you will regularly import things (and pay the duty), or will you change up your routine and live like a local?  

With that in mind, here’s a random list of “what things cost” in Belize. (I put in U.S. dollars because that is what I am asked about, but just multiply by two and it will in Belize dollars.) The rate is fixed $1US to $2BZ dollars. U.S. dollars are accepted everywhere. You may use both Belize and U.S. combined. Credit cards are accepted in more tourists' places. All the little stands, mom-and-pop local places rarely accept cards and cash is preferred. 

A Random List of What Things Cost in U.S. dollars in mainland. 

Monthly Expenses: 

Cable/Internet-$39 a month 

Trash Service (is a private service in smaller villages)-$25 a month 

Water-Some small villages are flat rates as little as $5. Others have meters and are charged by usage. 

Electricity-For a 2,000 square foot home with no a/c around $100  

Insurance for Vehicle-$20 a year.  

Insider Tip: Many places give you a 20% discount if you pay a year in advance. 


Public Clinic-Free 

Private Doctor Visit-$25 

Blood Work (yearly tests)-$45 

Surgery and 3-day stay at Private Hospital in Belize City-$5,000 


Louvre windows, glass panes with integrated burglar bars-$120 each  

Water Heaters-$230 

Paint Thinner (gallon)-$13 

Wood Stain and paint (gallon)-$40 

Load of White Sand-$115 

Load of Pebble-$225 

Delivery Fee of Sand/Gravel-$90 

Chair Cushions (4) recovered -$250 


Eggs $2.25 dozen, $6 flat, $2lb chicken from a local, just a little more at the store eggs are .13 each 

5-gallon bottled water-$2.25US (not from the Chinese store but directly for water company) 

Orange-.17 or 15pound bag, delivered $8 


Cucumbers-.50 lb 

Four chicken tostadas (in photos)-$2

Stew chicken, rice and beans at local restaurant-$4US 

Whole fry fish with rice bean at local restaurant-$7US 

Fresh fish from fisherman-$2.50US a pound and you pick your fish 

Fresh filet fish from fisherman-$5.00US a pound and you pick your fish 

Chicken burrito from local restaurant-$2US 

Chicken burrito from a tourist restaurant-$10US 

Local rum drink at local restaurant-$7US and under 

Local rum drink at tourist restaurant-$10US-$15US 

Entrée with sides other than rice and beans-$10US-$25US 

Bottle of Local Rum-$13 

Bottle of Imported Alcohol (everything that is not rum) about $50 

Bottle of coconut water-$1.50 


Domestic Speed Mail-$2 

Postage for a postcard to the U.S.-.30 


Parking Ticket-$25 

Computer Ink-$40 

Airplane ticket to Belize Municipal Airport-$75 





  Furniture. Bring it with you or buy it here?

Furniture. Bring it with you or buy it here?